Tuesday, October 26, 2010

California dreamin'

So as fall takes its full swing into our lives, I'm feeling eager to get going on the half-off sale at Merryweather Vintage! I'm sure you're all wondering, well get going! Whats the hold up?! Well, all of the clothes and accessories we've collected over the months are all at Nathaniel's (my former partners) apartment, which is on the far north side of Chicago. I've had friends in town back to back the last few weeks so I've barely had any time to myself, let alone time to drive over to get the loads and loads of goodies! Before Kelly and I truly revamp Merryweather on Etsy, I want to physically have the items in our possession so when we sell something (or many things tee hee) we can actually ship them out. That would be a good thing! I also cannot wait to start shopping and hunting for rare finds again. Its been awhile. There's really nothing like taking a day to the burbs to thrift, New Order playin' as you drive, and eatin a big mac in between. I won't lie. Fast food is a must. But only when thrift shopping. Its kind of a habit I developed over the summer. I'd find a rare 40's dress and need a frosty. Levis from the 70s? Chalupa from the bell? Yes, how thoughtful of you! I'm hoping to get Kelly on this habit as well. When I mentioned it to her, her response was, "well, I'll sit with you and watch you eat that stuff." I give you yet another example of how Kelly and I are total opposites. She actually eats 3 meals a day, runs 4 miles a day and keeps vegetables in her refrigerator. I, on the other hand, don't eat until 6pm most days, and when I do my meal usually involves some kind of candy or condiment that can last forever even when left out of the fridge (like mayonaise). Oh and exercise? Whats that? I hate to admit that some of my lifestyle choices resemble those of a 12 year old boy. Kel will come around though. Watch and wait.

Phew. Anyway, I've had a lot going on in terms of transitions in my life over the past month. I can finally take a deep breath and really get to work! After Halloween (I think I'm going to be a zombie btw....I was going to be a clown but its too predictable. If you knew me, you would agree) Kelly and I will officially have all of our stuff in our possession, and more new new new stuff! Its going to be great being able to make Merryweather a part of our everyday lives. I know its going to be a lot of work, but Kelly has already taken the initiative with so many important aspects (facebook!! etc.) I am feeling very positive and hopeful that it will come together and be real. Real is the key word for me. Real and of course, fun.... and of course, meaningful.

While we wait on getting our stuff.....heres some pics of fall so far :)

Nothing says fall like banana yellow heels from the 80s!

Soon to be on Etsy! :)

"All the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey."

Stay tuned.

xx, Crystal

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