Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Charged by an incredible battle with the wind on the lakeshore path early this morning, I cannot keep from you, Merryweather patrons & fans how excited and ready I am for spring! I know I smelled it in the air. This winter has felt especially long, and now the snow from the 2011 blizzard is melting. No doubt there will probably be another heavy dump of snow the last week of March, I mean c'mon this is Chicago afterall.

Yesterday as I set up camp on my window-adjacent radiator dedicating the afternoon to admin work that I do get some crazy sick pleasure from doing, the warm (41 degrees!) air lofting through a partially-opened window laid a feeling into me that this season is going to be a rewarding one for Merryweather. But Crystal and I and out Etsy site can't do it alone. That is why I've ventured to create some postcards to distribute, and have finally created our eBay account for our true collectibles.

The luxury of having an entire afternoon to devote to Merryweather work, getting her poised for success this spring and summer, reminded me why I joined Crystal on the adventure. Sometimes (more often that I like) it's easy to forget that we are nurturing our passion, encouraging it to grow into something more mature (a store), more wholesome (a part of the vintage community). It's a goal that we get giddy over, and while it may have been a bit of a pipe dream initially, I think the knowledge and confidence we continue to acquire will make it a reality in the future.

I suppose the purpose of this post is to thank those of you who have supported us so far, whether with gifts to the collection, with purchases, with kind words of encouragement or with sage advice and counsel.

Exciting things are in the works. Stay tuned, friends!
...check out the weather report... spring for a few days in February at least.
